Aspidistra oblanceifolia 'Nagoya Stars'

Cast Iron Plant


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For some reason the evocative cultivar name of this Aspidistra really sells it for me, eliciting extra joy in conjuring up visions of exotic night skies via it's lovely variegated patterning of white dots in varying sizes and distinctness across a canvas of dark green evergreen blades up to 2.5ft tall. As with other aspidistras its tolerant of deep shade and does well as a houseplant (Houseplant with an astrological name, can you get more trendy?). This species is particularly tolerant of cold temps without burning and is also extremely floriferous if you're a botanically minded flower enjoyer who doesn't mind a curious stoop to view them.


Plant Type

  • Perennial / Bulb

Mature Size

Hardiness Zones

  • Zone 7b (5 °F)
  • Zone 8a (10 °F)
  • Zone 8b (15 °F)
  • Zone 9a (20 °F)
  • Zone 9b (25 °F)
  • Zone 10 (30 °F)

Sun Exposure

  • Shade

Water Needs

  • Dry
  • Moist

Bloom Time

  • Winter
