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A Steve Hootman collection from the Sino Himalaya of this quite unique creeping Honeysuckle. This is a Kinnikinnik (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) alternative, making a mat of small rounded green leaves turning rich purple/red/bronze tones in winter. Small light yellow Honeysuckle flowers are sprinkled throughout. Very cool.
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This is a dynamite cultivar also called 'Florida' but names aside, the flowers totally rock. White and dark red fragrant flowers marry nicely with the rich purple-tinted foliage. We keep ours trimmed to an informal shrub but it can be a vigorous vine. Nice orange fruit.
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Twinberry Honeysuckle. This the southern variant of our native shrubby Honeysuckle which here in Washington has tubular yellow flowers but down in southern Oregon and California, these flowers are little firecrackers of orangish-red. Tough plant liking wet sites but quite tolerant of drier spots. Hummers like this!