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One of the classic broad leaf evergreen small trees, this grows quite slowly and will fill the evergreen shrub niche for many years. This has small apetalous (that would be no petals so you can guess at the wow factor) chartreuse flowers in spring. Just a great Asian plant requiring decent moist soil.
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Wheel Tree. Our collection from Taiwan of this indispensable broadleaf evergreen that usually is a small tree in gardens. Very clean and attractive, always the first criteria to be considered whether shopping for plants or romance, the Taiwan forms are regarded as better garden plants with better foliage. Surprisingly nice green flowers which lack petals or sepals but have dozens of stamens densely arranged in a wheel pattern. In the family Trochodendraceae, which it shares only with Tetracentron sinense (which we have also collected), this is also found in China and Korea. We have ours in full sun where it has handled with aplomb, drops to 10F in winter.