Trillium chloropetalum x kurabayashi



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Sweet Mother of God. It's hard enough to get either one of the species let alone crosses. Flowering size plants we grew from seed collected from a couple of our favorites from the breeding work of Charles Price who deliberately meddled in the private affairs of the West Coast Trilliums in hopes of getting fragrance. These will vary somewhat in color and to the degree they resemble their parents - some approaching chloropetalum, some looking much like kurabayashii - but all well within the parameters of very good.


Plant Type

  • Perennial / Bulb

Mature Size


Hardiness Zones

  • Zone 5b (-15 °F)
  • Zone 6a (-10 °F)
  • Zone 6b (-5 °F)
  • Zone 7a (0 °F)
  • Zone 7b (5 °F)
  • Zone 8a (10 °F)
  • Zone 8b (15 °F)
  • Zone 9a (20 °F)
  • Zone 9b (25 °F)

Sun Exposure

  • Shade

Water Needs

  • Moist
  • Moderate

Bloom Time

  • Spring
