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A Hinkley collection from Taiwan of this interesting Composite whose deeply dissected foliage carries the day and is especially effective in half sun. Not a genus that leaps to the fore when thinking of flowers, this is a great foliage plant and intriguing in first growth. Collected as S. intermedia, this is most likely the species subglabrata. We have yet to meet a Syneilesis that we don't think highly of - (well, there are the unstable variegated ones) - and when mature, these tough clumping perennials literally force you to stop and admire.
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First introduction to cultivation! Our collection of this rare species in a genus of excellent foliage perennials. Sue spotted this on an evening plant reccy while Kelly took to bed nursing a rib fracture incurred earlier while collecting fruit on a Photinia. A Photinia of all things! A Far Reaches Botanical Conservancy Offering.