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The first all-gold foliage form of our native Prosartes hookeri. These are seed-grown from our fantastic variegated Prosartes hookeri 'Lemonworth' (Thanks Daniel Mosquin for the name!) which we found near Leavenworth WA. Seedlings come up either green or gold and we look forward to planting seed of this gold form.
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One of the pleasing elements of our PNW woodlands is this Fairy Bell which always feels like we have just bumped into an old friend when we come across it hiking. Recently moved from Disporum into Prosartes, this has small white flowers in spring and nice orange fruit in mid to late summer.
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Yellow Fairy Bells. Sweet woodlander from the eastern US and Canada which means this can take it cold in the winter. Gets to 20" tall give or take a few and and has branched stems from which dangle the palest yellow flowers which in turn become dangling orange fruit. Anything with fairy in its name gets planted in our garden.
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Spotted Mandarin. This former Disporum is found from Michigan down into Georgia and has been a nice addition to our shade garden montage. The flowers are worth a close look and beg for macro photography as they are finely spotted to which the specific epithet maculata refers.