Podophyllum aurantiocaule subsp. aurantiocaule (syn. Dysosma)
Unit price perPodophyllum or Dysosma – the Asian species are better in Dysosma but when shopping, most people look for Podophyllum when they need to push their shade garden over the top. This Chinese species was shared with us by our friend and great plantsman Darrell Probst who knows an extraordinary plant when he sees it. Among our sea of Podophyllum species and cultivars, this stands apart in habit, form and flower. Upright stems hold green lobed saucers of leaves which cannot be confused with the other green-leafed species. Beautifully displayed are single white flowers under each leaf which when pollinated, morphs into a glowing orange fruit. For us, this species stays in a tight crown without the running habit of some other species. This is good if your space is limited and bad if you want more and of course, we want lots! Which we don’t have but the scant few we do have in surplus, are here.
Plant Type
Mature Size
Hardiness Zones
Sun Exposure
Water Needs
Bloom Time
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