Polygonatum urceolatum

Solomon's seal


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A superb smaller evergreen Solomon Seal from China which we have grown for many years and have come to regard as an indispensable part of the collection - one of the first plants we would grab when the greenhouse catches on fire, perish the thought! Milder gardens, glossy leaves, clustered white flowers and bright red fruit. Often an epiphyte.


Plant Type

  • Perennial / Bulb
  • Evergreen

Mature Size

12" - 18"

Hardiness Zones

  • Zone 8b (15 °F)
  • Zone 9a (20 °F)
  • Zone 9b (25 °F)

Sun Exposure

  • Part Shade - Part Sun
  • Shade

Water Needs

  • Moist
  • Moderate

Bloom Time

  • Spring
