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11 products
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Our native Fawnlily which grows from California up to BC. It is difficult to imagine having too many of these but judging from the copious self-sown seedlings in our shade garden, we'll soon see. Dormant in early summer so they aren't in the way. Pink flowers, leaves mottled when young
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Superb free-flowering selection of this tight, low-growing heather relative which covers itself in white bells. Cassiopes need a cool position in an airy acidic soil to perform at their best much like Rhododendrons. Morning sun is ideal and this will be one of those delightful little plants in your garden that makes your pleasure centers light up. Washington to Alaska native.
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Our seed collection of Martindale's Desert Parsley from our nearby Olympic Mountains. This West Coast native umbellifer is found from sea level to the mountains where it inhabits dry meadows and dry. often rocky, slopes. Yellow flowers from this population where it grew with 3 species of Allium and Delphinium menziesii. Goes summer dormant and great for the rock garden.
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Found growing along coastal Maine and up the eastern Canadian seaboard, this was known as the dwarf form of I. setosa but is now regarded as a distinct species. Favoring moist places but adapting very well to average garden conditions, this is best described in the most rigorous of botanical terms as "Cute". Very hardy.
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Our native creeping dogwood from seed collected during one of our many hikes in the Olympic Mountains. This deciduous groundcover is such a good plant with obvious white dogwood flowers on 4"-6" stems followed by clusters of red fruit. We like it when it climbs a bit up mossy trunks and logs. Loose soil with a good organic content.
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Tough as all get out circumpolar herbaceous species of the subarctic which is found in Alaska and the Yukon and skips along the mountain tops as far south as Wyoming. This is a tap-rooted species and will not run but settles for making a nice low clump of soft as a mouse-ear silver haired leaves which are great with the sizable yellow flowers. It does great here at sea level in Port Townsend and our plants are descended from our dear departed friend Steve Doonan of Grande Ridge Nursery.
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Our plant was gifted to us by Kenton Seth of crevice garden fame who also happens to be a keen plantsman. This is native to the coastal areas of the West coast where it is found in moist meadows and along streams where it can naturalize in gravel bars. Blue and white flowers are awesome for pollinators. It will tire out after a few short years but save seed or let it naturalize via self-sowing.
From $45.00
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An eastern US and Canadian species, this is the white expression of the familiar Red Trillium. This easy pedicellate species has a dark ovary which is a nice bit of punctuating contrast to the white flower. It's the little things in life, isn't it? Will hybridize with species like sulcatum.
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Yellow Fairy Bells. Sweet woodlander from the eastern US and Canada which means this can take it cold in the winter. Gets to 20" tall give or take a few and and has branched stems from which dangle the palest yellow flowers which in turn become dangling orange fruit. Anything with fairy in its name gets planted in our garden.
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Fragrant Dwarf False Indigo. An excellent plant for the xeric garden although not the best in sandy soils since it hails from good prairie soil in the midwest from central Canada down to Texas. Nice small woody shrub with erect small spikes of clustered small tubular flowes of violet blue petals and red stamens - whoa!
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Twisted Stalk. One of our favorite natives (the list spans several pages of small print) of our woodlands is this Solomon's Seal relative. These are seed-grown from a collection near Easton WA. Branched stems bear dangling white flowers followed by showy red-orange fruit.