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7 products
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From $16.00
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Also found as Potentilla lineata. We originally received seed of this back in the 90's from a Chris Chadwell collection in Nepal. An exceptional foliage plant with long silken silvery leaves and tall loosely arrayed yellow flowers in early summer, which we have offered in the past simply as Potentilla sp. This was misidentified by another nursery in the area as P. gelida and as a result, is in the trade here as P. gelida which is unfortunate as it bears little similarity to this ornamentally uninteresting species. Then to make matters more complicated P. lineata recently became Argentina lineata nonetheless it is one of our favorite herbaceous Potentilla-like plants which Chris ID'd for us here in the summer of 2013.
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Rare Japanese alpine especially in this choice dwarf form. Compact little dome of good green foliage studded with yellow flowers. Ideal for the trough or rock garden. There needs to be more trough gardeners. Join the North American Rock Garden Society - it truly rocks.
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Tough as all get out circumpolar herbaceous species of the subarctic which is found in Alaska and the Yukon and skips along the mountain tops as far south as Wyoming. This is a tap-rooted species and will not run but settles for making a nice low clump of soft as a mouse-ear silver haired leaves which are great with the sizable yellow flowers. It does great here at sea level in Port Townsend and our plants are descended from our dear departed friend Steve Doonan of Grande Ridge Nursery.
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Choice rock garden species from rare wild collected seed from the Tien Shan Mts where they extend into NW China. This makes nice dense clumps of close set sivery-green foliage and typical Potentilla golden yellow flowers. Easy care and tolerant of our abuse.
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This is an excellent mat-forming perennial with handsome leaves and 1" amber orange flowers with a glowing red center in May-June and occasionally thereafter. Tough little dude getting a foot or more across with semi-evergreen leaves and best in decent soil that doesn't dry out. Long-lived too - always a plus.
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Red flowers. Lots of red flowers. Bringing the heat. A two foot bonfire of visually searing heat. A heaping pile of glowing coals in the garden. A smoldering intensity that can wear thin in a husband or wife but is perfect in this plant. A virtual hotness matched only by the forges of the Orcs in Lord of the Rings but in a much more positive sense. May into July this is cooking.
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One of the best of the herbaceous Potentilla hands down, period. End of story. George Zimmer of Men's Wearhouse "I guarantee it". This is a "Quit talking, just do me, baby" Potentilla. Deep blood red flowers combined with the silver foliage are an exquisite pleasure verging on pain. Full sun.