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27 products
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This is a good white flowered selection of this little creeping European species. Ours came from the UK via our friends at the former Hedgerows Nursery whose plant offerings set a very high bar for the rest of us. This was last listed in the UK in 2008, we believe, and may have been deemed insufficiently distinct from other good white selections to carry its own name. A fine plant nonetheless, and it reminds us of our friends, David and Susie.
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This former Anemone is one we first became acquainted with in John Massey's impeccable garden at Ashwood Nursery. We didn't know what it was but it grabbed our attention which is saying something in that candy store of a garden. A small plant that would be well-suited for a moist rock garden setting, it has simple, soft yellow flowers and distinctive green leaves.
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A necessary part of the woodland garden are the small European Anemones and this is one of the good ones. Fine foliage and nice white flowers in spring on a slowly spreading rhizomatous little bulbous plant. As you may have surmised, this is at home in the Apennines in Italy and into Croatia.
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Seedlings from this very good named form of the very variable Anemone obtusiloba which ranges at higher altitudes across the Himalaya into western China. Our mama plant came home with us from Scotland and is notable for larger blue flowers with 3-4 extra petals beyond the usual 5. We expect these youngsters to carry on the family tradition. Starts flowering early in spring with main flush in late spring but sporadic bloom during summer. A small species suited to a larger trough, rock garden or special spot in light shade.
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An irregularly variegated form of wood anemone. Be not afraid of some green leaves, as is true of our great heaving masses, not all can be special. While not every leaf is variegated those that are, are quite fetching with pure white sections often near the leaf edge providing an eyecatching contrast and complement to the standard white flowers. A shade perennial classic with an added surprise, what's not to like!
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From a Chinese source as Anemone subpinnata, this is likely obtusiloba although there are other similar species. This has proved very floriferous and durable over the years making a good robust clump with lots of white flowers opening from rose-colored buds. These are nice plants from divisions.
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Soft pale blue flowers on this clone which we brought in from the UK a few years ago. This species seems a necessary part of the spring woodland garden and the twiggy rhizomes will in time form a dense floriferous carpet with flowers backed by deeply segmented green leaves.