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This is a surprisingly hardy Brazilian species. Good cut flower with long clean stems. We've had this growing happily outside for years and going through single digits in winter with mulch. We got this from Maggie at Western Hills some years ago and finally can offer this goody. She said this was a hybrid by noted California breeder Fred Meyer between the vining Bomarea and the non-vining Alstroemeria, and we have sold it in the past as Alstroemeria x Bomarea 'Fred Meyer' and more recently as Bomarea "Fred Meyer". The great thing about putting a plant on the internet is that all sorts of smart people read about it and very nicely suggest the correct name.
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A fine variegated selection originating at Cally Gardens in Scotland and given to us by the late Michael Wickenden who named it. Michael was a plantsman of the keenest sort and he is sorely missed. Good clean cream margins on the young leaves which turns white as the foliage matures. The variegation plays well with the red flowers atop the two foot stems. We reckon this is the first introduction of this choice plant to the US.
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Quite the stunner and a selection we don't think is available here in the US as this is one we have brought back from the United Kingdom although it doesn't seem too united at the moment. Very clean white margins to the green leaves which clad the 2' stems with very pleasing burnt orange flowers. Not aggressive and good tolerance to cold. Just a few.