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One of the hardier Aloes or former Aloe. This will survive winters in warmer Zone 8 gardens making a multi-stemmed shrub with terminal spires of orange-yellow showy flowers. If a cold freeze occurs, this will be cut to the base but will rapidly regrow come spring. Best to mulch prior to such an event.
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One of the hardiest of the Aloes, this will withstand short drops into the upper teens but will appreciate shelter against a sunny wall under an eave where it will produce orange flowers for months on end. Well worth trying for some succulent exotica or just fine in a container where it can be brought inside for the winter. Has done well in outside with careful siting in mild PNW gardens.
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Cute little hardy Aloe we got from our friend Jeff Erickson. This makes a tight clump of rosettes and has a 8"-12" stem of soft orange tubular flowers in summer. This is hardy in milder gardens here especially grown in a sunny bed under the eves where it gets winter rain protection and benefits from some heat from the house.