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Our collection of this exceptional form of this distinctive vining species of Monkshood from the wooded slopes of Longshou in Sichuan. It was an overcast day on this our first day in the field in the fall of 2012. The summit of Longshou was completely socked in which is frustrating to a plant hunter aside from missing out on spectacular views. As we made our way down the mountain, we got below the clouds and exciting plants started to pop out - Schisandra in full red fruit, 5' tall Arisaema, Vaccinium delavayi and off to the right, a flash of bright color. We hurried over and it was an climbing Monkshood in full bloom with eye catching reddish-purple flowers. The excitement turned to lamentations as it was in bloom which meant there was no seed which was a total downer. The lamenting turned to exultant whoops as we noticed this species had aerial stem bulbils in the leaf axils which are even better than seed. We think this is quite superior to other color forms of this rare species and have given it the name 'Monk Gone Wild' because it is a pretty crazy color for a Monkshood plus this monk managed to remain technically celibate yet still have lots of children via these stem bulbils.
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Fabulous wine-colored (red - not white) vining Monkshood that cannot fail to please with late summer into fall flowers. Perfect for sun to light shade, this will make annual growth of 10'-15' if it has something to twine onto. Best part, it's poisonous - take that, deer! Thanks to Renaissance plantsman Graeme Ware for sharing a bit years back as we failed too many times with seed.
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This vining monkshood is from our seed collection of this herbaceous vine which was growing in a large shrub hanging out over a stream in a cold rain. The potential for becoming even wetter was pretty good and fortunately, such a risk proved well worth it as this has large blue flowers with a pale white lip. This has been a star in our shade garden flowering in late August into September. Small tuber capable of growing 10' or more this year given good conditions and something to twine on. Deer resistant.
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Climbing Monkshood. This seedling from our collection on the Chongqing-Guangxi-Guizhou expedition in 2010 sports gold to chartreuse new growth in an attractive pop of contrast that helps to tide you over while waiting for the light to mid-blue flowers on stems that can reach 10'-15'. This a widespread and variable species in China and one we find most appealing.
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Rollicking twining Monkshood from China that delights in scrambling up into shrubs or onto thin trellage. Although a fine and aristocratic perennial, it remains devoid of snobbery embracing chainlink as if it were ornate wrought iron at an Antebellum mansion. Dusky lavender flowers in late summer and fall are hugely welcome. This is totally herbaceous dying completely back after flowering only to reemerge in spring bigger and better than before. The climbing Aconitum can be confusing to pin down as to proper identity but we finally sat down with flowers and foliage and key in hand and confirmed that this indeed A. episcopale. This is likely from a Diana Reeck collection in Yunnan in 1996 but that is best guessing. Nice blooming-sized plants.
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Wolfsbane. Our collection from the Swiss Alps of this quietly charming yellow-flowered Aconitum Lovely at trail's edge in the light shade of the deciduous forest in August. Apparently this is key to any good witches garden and used in shapeshifting spells and as a werewolf repellant. Better safe than sorry.
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Our collection of this most impressive vining Monkshood. Sumptuous flowers of a good blue with a white interior This one is a real cracker and these will easily grow 8'-12' or even 15' tall provided they have something to twine onto. An immense treat in August and September. And deer resistant!
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Climbing Monkshood. This is from our seed collection on the Chongqing-Guangxi-Guizhou expedition in 2010. We found this on the summit of the previously unbotanized highest peak in the Wumingshan where it was clambering about on the top of the short scrub. We were struck by the large seed pods. Light to mid-blue flowers on stems that can reach 10'-15' on this vining Monkshood. This a widespread and variable species in China one we find most appealing.