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Maidenhair Spleenwort. We love common names. We must dig out our 15th century Herbal and read up on how to properly decoct this sweet little fern for afflicting humors of the spleen. Or we can just grow it in a gritty well-drained shaded rock garden and enjoy its evergreen delicate appearance which belies its rugged constitution. This little fern grows throughout the northern part of the northern hemisphere and just has a small foothold in our North Cascades. One of our favorite sights of this fern was when we did the Coast to Coast walk in northern England in the epic rainy summer of 2012 and we walked close to 200 miles through the Lakes District and Yorkshire Dales and Moors. We saw this growing everywhere naturalized on old stone walls, stone bridges and stone buildings. Very attractive and a clue to its drainage preferences.
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Crested Hart's Tongue Fern. Crested ferns are always fun and this one does provide some amusement in the garden. Rather than the typical evergreen, entire sword-shaped leaves which taper to a point, these crested forms splay out at the end into a rounded and ruffled flourish which might mark this as a self-indulgent dandy were it not for its complete absence of ego. More than happy to play a necessary supporting role to those blooming Trilliums for example. Doesn't mind a bit of lime and will self-spore in mortared walls.
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Hart's Tongue Fern. A distinctive fern whose undissected pale green leaves sets it apart from its allies. A tidy evergreen compact clumper to 16" tall by 20"+ across which is easy to please and goes so well with Trilliums and Arisaemas. This one doesn't mind some alkalinity and we have seen this self-sowing on damp brick walls where it enjoys the good drainage. And it is rabbit resistant which we appreciate.
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Hart's Tongue Fern. Choice selection of this European native evergreen fern which has variable wavy and rumpled leaf margins. This doesn't mind a bit of lime in the soil and is very happy growing with bricks and will self-sow in the moss on shaded moist concrete or rock walls.
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A narrow leafed version of the classic Hart's Tongue fern from Europe. We've seen the typical species happily growing in English hedgerows and closer to home, naturalizing on a shaded mossy brick wall at June Sinclair's garden. This form is quite striking with it's stiff, evergreen lance-shaped leaves tightly rippled and crimped on the margins and would be well suited to an artist's garden.